Friday, March 21, 2008

Church Functions... Always on my birthday

Not that I don't like church, or anything (I'm at BYU, voluntarily...obviously I like church) but it always rains on my parade to find out that a church function is being held on my birthday. Last year my birthday was on Sunday... woot. I went to Music and the Spoken Word for my "party" for crying out loud. (just kidding, I really didn't have a party of any sorts). The year before it was on a Saturday, and they had the General Young Womens Conference that night on my birthday, so nothing exciting happened.
This year, my birthday is on Tuesday, this Tuesday actually, and they are having enrichment night on my birthday. Not just any enrichment that people would sluff and come to a wicked awesome birthday party instead.... Sheri Dew is the speaker! Who is going to pick coming to a party when you can listen to the closest-to-a-female-prophet that ever lived??
Alas, such is the life.