Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Injustices, anyone?

I know, I sound like a bit of a baby, but sometimes you just have to vent! I know life isn't supposed to be fair and all that, but seriously? I just have a few frustrations that just feel good to vent to anyone. . . and I honestly am not as weighed down by these things as it may seem, so chill out. (Yeah, who am I talking to?)

-I study for a week and a half, 10 hours over a weekend (yes, between Friday and Saturday), and cram for an hour and a half right before a test... I get a 48%. (I secretly think God played an April Fools Day joke on me and messed with my memory)
-My little sister was, in one school year, homecoming queen runner up last october and nominated for prom queen last month (I had no such luck...)
-The same little sister got nominated today for 'keys to success' and could possibly win a free car
-It snowed yesterday and its freaking April!!!

I know I can't be the only one who has the unvoiced desire to mumble a complaint or two under my breath... what are things that really get under your skin????? (I hate when people add more than one question mark at the end of sentences as well.)


Sara said...

Venting is why blogs were invented. Do you feel any better now?

My biggest pet peeve right now is people who can enjoy themselves for more than like 15 minutes before rushing back to all their homework. Curse them and their carefree lives!

TJN said...

Once, I saw it snow in August, and I loved it. I was backpacking in the rocky mountains, but I still was pretty amazed to see it snow in August. I can't sympathize about snow because it seems so wonderful to me, but I'll agree that college can be a real bear. I may fail half of my classes this semester, I'll just have to see what I can pull off.

I think therefore I am said...

I hear ya! Amen! That would get on my nerves too. I definatley never was nominated for--well I'm a guy so the guy things or keys to sucess and it definately does hurt not to get nominated.